It has definitely been a long while since I've been on this thing and I must say... I'm glad to be back!
I tried Tumblr for a while. Yes, it's entertaining, but I realized it isn't... stimulating (is this the right word?) enough for me; photos of half-naked girls, little teenagers who swear they have major, life-threatening problems (i.e. other girls who are talking to their bf whom they've been with for a week... and probably never even met in real life), and illiteracy-- DRIVES ME NUTS!
So here I am back on Blogspot. I do miss my Xanga, but I think Xanga is totally dead. Well, perhaps not, but I see more people on here than Xanga. Oh Xanga-- did I really just bring up Xanga?!
So basically, as of lately, I've been battling with discouragement issues. I've been getting easily discouraged about a lot of things... mostly school. Praying about it and reading Scripture does help TONS. I just keep reminding myself that all things happen according to His will, whether things work out the way I wish for them to or whether they don't.
OH! PTL for answering prayers! I was supposed to take the TEAS exam this Friday and was only given a little over a week to prepare for it. I prayed so hard for guidance, endurance, and strength to cram, cram cram-- I was feeling SO overwhelmed and SO unprepared. HOWEVER, this morning when I called the school to set up an appointment to take the test (which I thought the last day to take it would be Friday), the lady said the next available spot would be for Oct. 7, NEXT Friday! That means I have an extra week to prepare! YAY! God is SO good.
Let's see if I can find more people to follow. Suggestions?
Then again... how am I supposed to get suggestions if nobody is reading my blog? Ha.
Until next time!
“even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.” --Isaiah 40:30-31