Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It's officially Winter! I want to go up to the snow but I don't know how that's going to happen. I want to learn how to snowboard.

My break has been pretty great so far. I've got tons of downtime. I've been hanging out with people lately... CREW, now that Andrew's back and Aaron. We've been on two "adventures" so far and we're still planning more. We're thinking about City Walk on Wednesday but that's not for sure yet.

So my birthday passed and it was great. I pretty much had a whole week of birthday stuff. Sushi with the College/20-something Bible study group, Lucille's with Crew and a few other friends, Sunday morning breakfast with my parents and brother, Aaron took me out to Pink's and we had a little adventure in LA/Hollywood... fun stuff!

I've applied to a handful of jobs but nobody has called back. I wish I could find a job so that I can make my own spending money. My brother's going to college next year and my parents are going to need all the money they can get and by having a job, I could help pay for my own utilities (gas, my own spending money, cell phone, etc). Let's just pray someone will call me.

I only have two classes for Winter quarter. BOO! I'm going to try and sit in on the first day in any class I can get. I wanted to take 4 classes this quarter but we'll see how that goes.

Things I'd like to get off my chest:

1. You've been lying to me and I know about it. I mean, just tell me the truth. It's bound to come out eventually so why not just tell me? Stop saying you're going to be "good" when you turn around and do all that stupid stuff that you're doing. The only person you're really hurting is yourself. You think you're doing yourself a favor by ignoring your issues!? ******* **** isn't going to help you AT ALL. For the time being, maybe, but you're still going to have to face reality in the end. Take control of your life. You say you have Faith but really... where is it? You scare me all the time when I read the things you say. You say "Don't worry" but how can I not? I try not to... I mean, your life is really none of my business but when you put it out there like that, obviously people are going to get a glimpse of what's really going on. Please, take control and do something POSITIVE. I'm here to help as much as I can. Please, stop this nonsense.

2. I still don't know how to tell you. I don't know how to bring it up. =/

3. Sucks that you're falling into that trap, but you're smart enough to handle yourself so please don't make any excuses for yourself. I love you but I can't fight your battles for you.

Well, I'm off to Clarisse's house for brunch soon. Gotta get ready cuz I'm still in my PJs.

Until next blog...